Monday, July 15, 2013

helichrysum essential oil

Helichrysum essential oil also known as "everlasting" or "immortal" is really the best kept secret in the natural beauty industry. It is rich in restorative properties and is wonderful for cell rejuvenation.  Helichrysum is a great weapon against free radical damage and a must have in your anti-aging beauty regimen. Known to be anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal it is great for all skin types and effective on a multitude of skin issues.  The testimonies of this mighty essential oil for wrinkles, scars, bruises and even sunburns are amazing and is often hailed as "liquid gold." Even Dr. Oz is singing it's praises. Use it on a daily basis and you will too.  You can find it in our organic youth oil along with other highly effective anti-aging ingredients like rosehip seed oil.

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